Guess what? In the US there is no rating system for essential oils. You have no idea what you are buying! There are no "nutrition facts" label like there is on a box of cereal you buy at the store. This means you have to trust the source. You have to know the company you are purchasing oils from.
Seed To Seal
Young Living has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity and potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability and they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms and participate in the harvest/distillation process. Additionally Young Living has the biggest range of safe, non-toxic products for your entire family and home; it's truly a one stop shop!
High Quality Oils Matter
Unfortunately the majority of essential oils on the market today are only suitable for cosmetics and perfumes. The reason Young Living’s oils are so different is their unmatched commitment to producing a pure, unadulterated oil. Young Living’s devotion to creating a highly therapeutic product means they’ve invested in their own farms, care for and nurture their own plants, trees, and shrubs, and finally distill, test, and bottle the oils that arrive on your doorstep.
You Get What You Pay For
But Young Living is more expensive, right? You’re right, often times it is and “you get what you pay for” has never been more true. Young Living is more expensive than other brands and oils you can find at Whole Foods or on Amazon because of its therapeutic grade. An ever-growing number of marketers have jumped on the essential oils bandwagon looking for an easy way to make a lot of money. Most of these oils are cheap imitations, purchased wholesale in large quantities, diluted with synthetic additives, and rebottled before being sold to you.
If at any point in the production process something doesn’t meet their standards, they get rid of it and start again. Because of this, our favorite oils sometimes go out of stock… and we are happy about it! Because we love getting our oils from a company that doesn’t crank them out quickly in a lab to make a buck, but waits on the plants to grow (no synthetics) and until the batch is perfect. They accept nothing less.
This is called Young Living’s Seed to Seal® process. And it is unmatched. Every step from planting to bottling is detailed and controlled.
Check out this website for more information on the three Pillars of the Seed to Seal® guarantee.
If you cannot walk onto your oil company's farms and watch them distill their oils at their very own distilleries, then don't use it. There’s a reason Young Living has been the world leader in essential oils for 25 years!
As a mom this is really important to me.
I want the best for my family and I don’t want to “save money” short-term only to spend more long-term because I used something that didn’t do what it was supposed to or even harmed me or my loved ones.
Some of the other companies may claim that their oils are organic. Unfortunately, the term “organic” is not regulated by the FDA in regards to essential oils. They do not certify or grade essential oils so any oil you see making those claims is simply using the word. They did not have to do anything to earn it.
The Wellness Lab
Join the Wellness Lab. Our FREE 3 Day Mini-Course where you will learn about Essential Oils, what they are, how they are made, and how to use them. Cut through all of the overwhelming and conflicting information out there about them and just get all of the fun facts.
but first
Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.