Welcome to

Flower Wellness Co.

We are so passionate about wellness and finding natural ways to keep our family happy & healthy! We have been using Young Living essential oils and products for over three years & can't imagine life without them!

You don't have to do it alone.

Join Our Wellness Community

When you sign up with me, you have the option of joining our private groups on instagram and facebook, which is where you will learn all the things, and be part of an amazing group of women learning together.

How it works

Purchase any product

Use my sign up link to make any purchase of products. If you don't know where to start, grab a starter bundle.

Get a fun welcome gift

Receive access to our private instagram and facebook groups. Watch out for a special welcome email and gift in the mail from me.

start learning

Ask questions, dive into using your products right away. We are here to support you on this journey.

i can help because i've been there

but now i know how to help!

Three years ago, I was stressed out and overwhelmed.

Three years ago I was a new mom of two, sleep was hard to come by, thrust into back to work after maternity leave and burning both ends of the candle. 
Then I found a box of oils that opened a door to so much more.What I found was an easy button for myself and my family.  Young Living is a lifestyle company with clean, non toxic products for everything, skin, makeup, cleaning! Everything that you can think of to live a clean, WELL life! 


FRUSTRATED BY Greenwashing...

Stop being greenwashed by the marketing of some well known consumer products that claim they are non-toxic and clean.  

OVERWHELMED BY all the choices out there...

I know you are wondering where to even begin on this journey to clean, safe products. We will hold your hand throughout this journey. Young Living is a one-stop shop!

NOT SURE HOW TO start making
swaps in your home....

We will help take the overwhelm out of ditching and switching conventional store bought products. Let me let you in on a secret....we will take baby steps together. You don't do it all at once.

The results


Essential oils can boost your mood. 

reduce stress and anxiety

Improved sleep

have some ready to go tools in your mama toolbox to support our little ones

Opportunity to make a side income by sharing your love of oils and non-toxic products

join NOW

“when you
know better
do better.”

want this


Want to learn a little more before diving in, watch this pre-recorded class that dives into what essential oils are and all about.

ohh, gimme!