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Daylight Savings Time: How To Survive

Daylight Savings

Ready to fall back today with Daylight Savings time! It’s the day where we set our clocks back and yes some of us get to enjoy an extra hour of sleep. (Not me by the way!) I wanted to give you some helpful tips to help you get through the time change today.

Things To Do The Week of Daylight Savings

  • Consider moving everyones (including your) bedtim routine up by 15-30 minutes
    • Add 5 drops of Lavender and/or Peace & Calming to a large handful of epsom salts for a calming bath
    • Rub your little ones feet with Lavender and/or Sleepyize essential oils and fractioned coconut oil to help them wind down
    • Roll Tranquil or Rutavala on the bottom of your feet
    • Fill all diffusers with sleep blends (see below!)
  • Make sure to keep taking all your supplements and using your oils consistently! This will only help you adjust to the time change a little easier on your body

The Night Before Daylight Savings Time Change

  • Follow the same bedtime routine outlined above
  • Support healthy sleep with a KidScents Unwind Packet for your little ones and am ImmuPro or Sleep Essence tablet for you
  • Fill your diffuser with calming blends:
    • Peace & Calming + Lavender
    • Lavender + Cedarwood + Northern Lights Black Spruce
    • Dream Catcher + Tangerine
    • Patchouli + Tangerine + Lavender + Frankincense
    • Vetiver + Cedarwood + Lavender + Tangerine
    • KidPower + Lavender
  • Set your clocks back one hour!

The Morning Of The Time Change

  • Roll EndoFlex over your thyroid (front of your throat) and over your adrenals (lower back) to support health hormone levels that can get a little off during times of stress
  • Take Supper B! Two tablets with breakfast for natural energy.
  • Two words: Drink your Ningxia!
  • Grab a Ningxia Nitro packet for mental clarity!
  • Apply Peppermint oil to the back of your neck and on the temples to help focus and sharpen the mind. If you need extra support with focusing, try KidScents GeneYus as well!
  • Fire up your diffuser today with some energizing, uplifting blends:
    • Peppermint + Raven/RC + Lemon
    • Rosemary + Grapefruit + Bergamot + Lime
    • Panaway + Spearmint + Lemon
    • Joy + Peppermint
    • Rosemary + Peppermint + Lemon
    • Tangerine + Grapefruit + Lime + Bergamot
    • Eucalyptus Radita + Lemon + Rosemary
  • Don’t forget! Give yourself and your loved ones grace today and these next few days as you adjust to the shift in your schedules

The Night Of The Time Change

  • Follow the same healthy sleep routines as above.
  • ImmuPro is a great choice, especially if you’re feeling extra tired and run down! You will ge the best nights sleep with ImmuPro.

I hope these tips help over the next few weeks. If you do not have oils yet head here to learn more on how to order.

I also made this pre-filled shopping cart for you of some of the oils and products I mentioned in this post. Click here to shop these products, just delete the products you do not want or need and check out (Easy-Peasy)!

Good luck today mamas!!

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