My current Top 10 tools and apps I’m using to run an online essential oils business. I hope this helps and inspires you to start your own…and hopefully make it a little easier for you to get started. If this topic is something you would like to know more about please leave a comment below or send me an email hi@livlafandluv.com, I’d love to hear from you and if you would be interested in more content like this.
My Top 10 Tools I Use to Run an Online Business
- WordPress Blog/Website – If you want complete control over your website and blog then you need a wordpress.org blog that converts and ranks in SEO you need a wordpress blog.
- Show It Design WordPress template – Gorgeous WordPress templates. They cost a little more than an average template but the design is worth it.
- Flodesk email service provider – I found Flodesk at the end of last summer after spending a few frustrating months trying to figure out Mailchimp. In my opinion its not worth it for the free account. Flodesk is very visual which I like and the templates make for pretty emails. It’s still in beta so its fairly affordable at $19/month, use my sign up link here to get this price.
- Lightroom mobile App – I use this on my phone to quicly apply filters to my photos.
- Canva Design – Canva is great, affordable and easy to use. I use this for all graphics for this blog, instagram, stories, overlays on photos, create ebooks and my pdf guides. They even have a print service that I’ve used to make mailings and such. If you are not a professional designer don’t waste your time trying to learn photoshop.
- Planoly to plan instagram posts and feed – I finally broke down a few months ago and started using this instagram feed planner. I just needed to start batching content for the week ahead. I prewrite all my posts out and a place to store hashtag sets. I’m sure I’m not using all it’s features yet but so far so good and I’m getting better at planning and not worrying about each day.
- Filmm App – To make little videos on stories & reels. Love this app, make mini videos, add music, add filters. I love this.
- Yoast Plugin – If you have a wordpress blog you absolutely need this Plugin, it helps with optimizing your posts with SEO and keywords. So helpful.
- Amazon S3 – A super cheap and easy for storing PDFs and videos to share. Use this to store a PDF that you send to your email list. No more storing on your computer or blog, it takes up too much space, just go with storing it in the cloud.
- Grammerly – This is a Chrome Extension and software that I have been using to write all of my emails and blog posts. It’s a simple way to ensure fewer typos and better writing. They have a free version and an inexpensive upgrade. I highly recommend the inexpensive paid version for your blog posts and emails. It’s worth it! SO helpful.
Final Thoughts
That’s my current top tools and apps that I have been using to run this online business. I hope it helps you get started. Don’t let stuff like this trip you up just pick a few things and just start…take some kind of action.
Figure it out as you go. Start before you are ready! Progress over perfection!
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