Friends! This never happens or at least hasn’t happened since early 2019. A Young Living Sale! 10% off two Premium Starter Kits. The Premium Starter Kit with the Dessert Mist Diffuser or the Holiday Starter Kit. Both are amazing and both are a great way to get started with Young Living.
The last time I can remember that Young Living had a sale on premium starter kits was back in 2019 when I purchased my starter kit. SO this rarely happens. It’s been almost two years since the last young living sale kit sale.
Let’s dive in and take a closer look at both starter kits for the Young Living sale!
The Premium Starter Kit
The premium starter kit comes with 12 of the most popular, most versatile and popular oils, the desert mist diffuser (same one I got in my first starter kit) and some amazing samples including ningxia red + thieves hand sanitizer + the amazing thieves household spray that can legit replace ALL of your cleaning products and will help support your immunity at the same time. Holla!
Normally for $165– you can purchase today for only $148.50 PLUS free shipping with the young living sale!!
The Holiday Bundle
The holiday bundle comes with 9 amazing oils (lemon, peppermint, frankincense, thieves, joy, lavender, bergamot, grapefruit essential oil, peace & calming), the sweet aroma diffuser and a leopard-print carrying case and also thieves waterless hand sanitizer!
Normally this is $150– you can purchase today for only $135 PLUS free shipping with the Young Living sale!!
What You Will Get In The Starter Kit
Pure therapeutic grade oils. No fillers. And absolutely no BS. A really awesome & QUALITY diffuser. An abundance of exclusive team education. Facebook groups. Text classes. (Believe me you will have education coming out of your ears!). Most importantly a community. Oh Yeah, the community. You will not be alone. Never find yourself wondering how to use an oil or other Young Living Product. I am here for you. This is the most incredible $$$ you will ever spend. I promise!
Your One Regret Will Not Be Purchasing A Starter Kit Sooner!
When you are doing this, you are trusting me to lead you through this wellness journey + also supporting my family. You are seriously going to be dancing around like a crazy person when the postman delivers your kit!!! TRUST! We also have an incredible FB group that I will get you hooked up into as soon as you have purchased (The Pure Joy Wellness community, Cusp Essentials + Rose Gold Wellness)- it has all kinds of product education, recipes, tips & ideas for how to use your oils & continue the ditch & switch process in your home. It’s also a safe place to ask questions. Make sure you check your welcome email that I send you with links to join as soon as you purchase your kit. NO pressure or commitment ever to sell but if you choose to get a casual sign-up, you will receive $50 as long as you have spent 50pv that same month. If you happen to enroll someone yourself- you are welcome to add them to our teams FB groups once they are official. Even if you aren’t “doing the business”. We are one big team and family!
How To Purchase Your Kit Today and Get in on the Young Living Sale
STEP 1: choose your starter kit:
The premium starter kit or the holiday bundle- both amazing kits and you truly cannot go wrong!
STEP 2: essential rewards loyalty program (requirement for the biz)
Before your life is forever changed in the best way- let me make it even sweeter. Essential rewards also know as ER. ER is basically like a holistic amazon. It is how my family is switching and ditching all our chemical and toxic products in our home (download the free app think dirty to start scanning the products you are using!!)
ER is by far my favorite part of Young Living, (and how i get to try so many free oils) some people feel like they do not have the “extra” money to do this. Go ahead and write down all the products you use every month. I think you will be surprised that most likely, you are already spending that on chemical-filled products and you can now buy healthy, safe, immune building products with young living such as toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soap, makeup, mouthwash, cleaning supplies, kids products, pet products- the list is a mile long.
Young Living has it all. They have over 600 products in fact, it is way more than just essential oils.
ER Reward Points
Get 10% back on everything from months 1-3 on ER. At month four–that gets bumped up to 20%! insane. Then eventually—25% back! I love target just as much as the next person but they don’t do that for me.
At this point– hit YES when it asks “Would you like to enroll in Essential Rewards and earn free products?” it will then ask you “Do you want to use your Premium Starter Kit (PSK) as your first Essential Rewards (ER) order? There are perks to using your PSK as your first ER order: You’ll automatically meet the order requirements to enroll in Essential Rewards.” Choose YES! —your premium starter kit counts as your first month er order so no additional money needs to be spent !!
By making your PSK your first ER order will also qualify for the FREE shipping and the $10 credit back to your account (like cash back to use at another time).
My gift this month, you’ll get:
- My custom welcome package filled with goodies and more samples and education resources to get you started
- Free Amber Glass Bottle Set (It has everything you need to start making your Thieves cleaners, rollers, glow serum, toner….and more!)
- $10 back in store credit
- FREE SHIPPING! (make sure to choose economy for this option when checking out!)
It’s no monthly commitment– essential rewards is optional! If you want – you can literally just order your starter kit and that is it! Then say you decide you want more lavender a couple months later you can just log in and buy lavender at the wholesale cost! You can even purchase for friends & family. Check out this page for more info.
FAQ on Becoming A Member
No membership renewal fee— (simply purchase a minimum of 50PV ($50) per year and your account stays active) no order minimum— order whenever you like, as often as you like, at 24% off retail prices. Although young living calls their wholesale customers “Distributors” this does NOT mean that you are signing up to sell oils and there is absolutely no pressure to do so – ever.
Member Number— you’ll get a member # & link to share with friends; if they order using your member number, you’ll receive compensation- if you join essential rewards and spend 100pv ($100) a month. Again, enrolling as a “Distributor” does NOT mean that you have to share oils with anyone; although, once you discover how wonderful they are, it will be hard not to tell your friends!
I highly recommend Essential Rewards over doing “shop orders” each month. Essential rewards ends up costing around $50 for 50pv. Bundle all the items you want & place it on your essential rewards order and get the promos!
Ideas for your ER Orders
Personally, I build my own order every month! Here are just a few favorites outside of the starter kit to get you started:
- Thieves Household Cleaner
- Thieves Laundry Detergent
- Satin Mint Facial Scrub
- Thieves Dish Soap
- Valor Deodorant
- Life 9 Probiotic
- Super C
- Charcoal Bar Soap
- Savvy Minerals Lengthening & Volumizing Mascaras
STEP 3: Set Up Your Monthly Essential Rewards Order
Again, your kit will count for the current monthly ER order!
For this step, you will set up your next month order, I always recommend the Thieves Essential Rewards because it’s the perfect next step to switch your home over to clean products! You can always change this later before it ships in the following month.
Click the continue enrollment button by hitting next
STEP 5 -fill out your info & continue
Name, Address, etc. Note: you only need to enter your social if you want to earn commissions from young living for tax purposes. So feel free to skip that at this time.
Make sure my number is typed into the sponsor and Enroller box:
“I was referred by a Young Living member, and I have his or her member number.— 17886713”
STEP 6 – Enter payment and shipping
Next , you’ll add shipping and payment info to complete checkout
STEP 7– That’s It!
Do a happy dance because your kit is coming & it’s going to be THE HAPPIEST DAY when it shows up at your doorstep!!! Trust Me! Keep an eye on your email inbox for a welcome email from me with all the info to get you started and next steps!
Questions?? Get stuck at one of the steps?? Feel free to email me— I will help you!!! oils@livlafandluv.com welcome to the community!
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