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Long-Weekend Love + Fun Links

January 16 2021, Winter Snow Covered Trees. Favorite links and items I have found this week and wishing you weekend love.

Happy MLK Weekend! What are you up to? We ordered Sushi for dinner last night and it was good we haven’t had it in a while. I’m definitely looking forward to restaurants opening back up. Philly is opening back up at 25% capacity this weekend so it’s looking promising in the near future. We are just looking forward to some down time this weekend no real plans, which I like these days after the holidays! Here are some fun links and items I have found and love that I want to share. Hope you find some weekend love of your own. Have a good one!

Madewell is having a super stock sale

I love this sweater – Unfortunately, not part of sale mentioned above πŸ™

Cozy Cabins your can rent with Airbnb – I’m seriously obsessed with A-Frames!

Did you read about clean skin care here?

I have some fun Anthro Inspired Diffuser Blends for you here.

4 Ways to declutter and become a minimalist, have you seen this show on Netflix? I’m intrigued.

Cute hotel in Paris. Love the colors!

And speaking of Paris this looks amazing! I love when urban areas get a a makeover with more green space.

These slides are fun & great price!

Also grabbing these cute (& cheap) sunglasses!

Happy MLK weekend. Peace signs by my son's preschool class.
Peace Signs by Bodhi & his preschool classmates, made me smile πŸ™‚

If you have off on Monday here are some great things to do around Philly.

And I’ll end this weekend love post with some favorite quotes by Martin Luther King:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question, ‘What are you doing for others?'”

β€œThe time is always right to do what is right.” 


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